Spiritual Direction
The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.
– Carl Jung
Let’s start with a definition: what is a spiritual director, anyway?
From my training I’ve learned a spiritual director is a companion who bears witness to and supports another person’s inner journey – the journey that ideally brings them back to who they are, and who they are created to be in the world.
As I’ve worked to help clients find some peace for themselves in their external surroundings, it’s become increasingly important for me to develop ways to help them find some peace internally. And, I believe each facilitates the other.
Hence, the relationship is inner work, outer order (and vice versa).
There’s very little in the way of “direction” to it. According to Spiritual Directors International, the goal of meeting with a spiritual companion is to take a “meaningful step to help you find wholeness and balance in life, not to mention a sense of connection with however you might refer to God, Allah, The Universe, or the Ground of All Being, that which connects us all.”
Together, our spiritual exploration creates space to slow down, experience deep listening, and bring greater meaning into the flow and yes, structure, of your day. I’m trained to work with individuals from all faith traditions and backgrounds – or no tradition at all. I draw upon a variety of resources and learning, including mystical and contemplative practices, Jungian depth psychology, mindfulness, working with dreams, poetry, Celtic spirituality, Tarot, the Enneagram, and more.

I love to do this kind of exploration with –
- The spiritually curious – or uncomfortable
- Those in life transitions
- Other coaches, therapists, and healing professionals
- Those for whom church is not in a building
- Seekers longing for a greater understanding of themselves
You might wonder, “Is spiritual direction different for individuals with ADHD, autism, or other brain differences?”
Good question. Sometimes, people feel like challenges with establishing regular practices, emotional regulation, and distractions might hinder or restrict their journey. My goal is to help you discover what’s authentic for you, within and beyond those differences. I believe the inner journey is infinitely more powerful than anything that might hold you back.
And when your brain wiring doesn’t always align with what this very over-scheduled, overcommitted, overwhelming world tries to tell you is the “right” way to live, sessions with a spiritual companion can be a reassuring and clarifying support.
My vision for offering spiritual direction is to provide a safe and sacred container for those seeking to wrestle with their questions of faith and meaning, so they can develop trust in the inner wisdom that’s always available to them. If you’d like to learn more, let’s schedule a time to chat.

“May you recognize in your life the presence, power, and light of your soul. May you realize that you are never alone, that your soul in its brightness and belonging connects you intimately with the rhythm of the universe. May you have respect for your own individuality and difference.”
– John O’Donohue
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