The Stuff Behind The Stuff®

Our Threads
There’s a thread you follow. It goes among things that change. But it doesn’t change. People wonder about what you are pursuing. You have to explain about the thread. But it is hard for others to see. While you hold it you can’t get lost. Tragedies happen; people get...

All According to Plan
Recently I was poking around in my previous posts and discovered a bit of a shocker. Although I talk about a lot of life order stuff, and I've had one somewhat forgettable post about planners, it seems I've never written about planning. Planning-adjacent, perhaps, but...

What’s In A Word?
I’ve been thinking about language lately - a weird little hobby of mine. Spiritual direction training, dreamwork, and coach training all taught me to pay attention to how words are tossed about or turned in phrases. The unconscious frequently spits out what we...

Pros and Fears
Greetings, Fine Souls. I've been pondering decisions in this New Year. Oh, wait…did you forget it's still January? Because with the crummy weather and cabin fever all of your days have run together, and you've got serious, pandemic-era, time-means-nothing flashbacks?...

Tapping the Breaks
My husband and I just purchased our first hybrid vehicle. Cars mean many different things to people - the “American Love Affair” with the automobile is totally a thing. They are idolized, customized, personalized, and anthropomorphized, from KITT to Lightning McQueen....

What Matters (Inner Work, Outer Order, Part II)
So I put a little pressure on myself here, didn't I? If you read the last post (from further back than I'd like to admit), you might recall there was supposed to be this grand ending to the fairy tale. I suppose I could get all grumpy and matter-of-fact and remind...

Inner Work, Outer Order
Once upon a time, there was a woman who loved to learn about new stuff. She loved many things, actually - learning, people, trees, dogs, music, Halloween (well, except for candy corn 🤢), and putting things in order, to name a few. Because that last part, Order, was...

Of Puppies and Trees
This post was not the one I intended to write. About a week ago I had something different almost ready when Evernote decided somehow, in its mysterious, bloated, technological wisdom, to delete 90% of what I wrote. But I think that was as it should have been. I think...

Shaking Something Loose
You know that whole cliché butterfly effect thing that gets recycled on the internet from time to time? From Wikipedia: In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic...

Logic and Fantasy
I've been thinking a heck of a lot about time lately, due to a variety of experiences and upcoming events: My clients' challenges with it; The course curriculum on coaching time that I'm currently working on; The time management panel I'm scheduled to moderate at the...